Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My mother is inviting some friends over tonight for a vegetarian dinner, and we're having a somewhat "traditional" meal, as it goes in my midwestern family.

Chili beans, corn bread, baked potatoes, and salad. It's nothing short of a miracle that we could pack so many carbs into one meal.

I'm preparing some cornbread to do my part, and the recipe I'm using is here. The chili beans, which my mother bought, are coming from... a can! (Cue scary music.)

Because I've already eaten tofu scramble and roasted broccoli since arriving home from volunteering at the tutoring center, I won't be enjoying too much of tonight's dinner, but the cornbread will definitely be a part of my evening meal. I could even write poetry about cornbread.

Soft, yellow crumbs stick in my throat
Sweet corn flavor fills my olfactory senses
Cornbread, oh cornbread
Forget me not on your long journey into the dark
as I ingest what I cannot detest

How is that for some true artistic ability?!

I am actually going to cook it in my cast iron, if it's large enough, which is exciting. It presents very well in cast iron, as cast iron is beautiful. The skillet also adds iron to the food, making it great for an meek and anemic vegan like myself! (This is not true; I donate blood, and one must have high iron levels for that!)

So I bid my lone reader farewell as I head off into the evolving world of my kitchen to cook up come cornbread, true Oklahoman style: VEGAN!
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