Saturday, May 1, 2010

30 Day "Whole" Food Challenge.

^^disregard the meat in that photo... I just noticed it. I'll look for a new photo.^^

I was browsing through the Happy Herbivore's website recently and discovered an entirely new phenomenon: unprocessed food.

Because I recently got 20 or so of my school-compadres to go veg*n for a week, I decided it was only right that I accept someone else's healthy eating challenge.

It's going to be really great, I believe. I love eating whole foods and experiencing flavors that are straight out of nature, not the laboratory.

Lately I've been less-than-faithful with my healthy eating, and even ate rolls this week with honey in them. As far as I'm concerned, the month of May will be my renewal. Real foods and 100% vegan eats, not 99.99%. I didn't become vegan just to half-ass it.

So, I'll make an example out of me yet! As on blogger cleverly named her site, it's Walking the Vegan Line.

In this revival I will renew my faith not only in my cause and in whole, unprocessed foods, but in myself. I am stronger than mass marketing, engineered food, and any other frivolous temptation.

This is not the last delicious meal I will ever eat, you know.

I'll keep this site posted with my whole food adventure.
No Earth Balance for a month!
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